
Information for sponsors

Here you find important information about sponsorship opportunities and preparations for the summit.

Opening hours
9:00 am — 5:00 pm

Sponsorship opportunities

Pharmasafe India  offers unrivaled opportunities to join industry leaders and bellwethers in their networking circle. A substantial and comprehensive delegate and visitor marketing campaign will deliver the right audience and ensure that the professionals in the industry will be aware of the event.

Benefits for Sponsors


Pre-arranged and Pre-qualified 1-on-1 Meetings with Pre-qualified Buyers 

A rare and essential opportunity to meet 1-on-1, network with, and sell to otherwise hard to reach decision makers from governments, public and top-private institutions.

Ideal Marketing Strategy

By positioning your brand alongside global leaders in the industry, and in an event endorsed and attended by high-ranking governmental decision makers and private sector giants, with an ongoing marketing campaign, you allocate your budget where it is most likely to have an impact for a fraction of the cost. 

Assimilate Key Insights

Gain strategic insights on the requirements of the industry directly from the mouths of key policy makers, implementers, researchers, and notable healthcare professionals, learn about the solutions expert industry leaders are providing, and benefit from interactive-keynote speeches to further develop your business. 

Direct Feedback from Your Target Market

Get feedback from your existing, high-profile clients in the region, and understand the hesitations of your most lucrative, potential clients with opportunities to persuade them otherwise face-to-face.