Welcome to Pharmasafe India:
Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting & Brand Protection
India’s pharmaceuticals industry is rapidly growing as a key sunrise sector of the economy, poised to grow at a CAGR of 14.5 per cent until 2020 to reach USD 55 billion. India‘s generic drugs account for as much as a whopping 20 per cent of global exports in terms of volume. However, counterfeiting remains a big menace for the Indian pharma industry leading to not only huge revenue losses but also denting the brand and reputation, while at the same time posing grave health risks to the patient.
4th Annual Pharmasafe India brings together over 150 Delegates and Speakers representing cross-section of all stakeholders- business leaders from top Pharmaceutical companies, eminent experts in anti-counterfeiting technology, Government & regulatory authorities, Customs, investigators, legal experts, consultants and leading industry bodies at a common platform to enable discussions, sharing of insights, best practices and strategies to tackle the Counterfeiting challenge.